Sexual Abstinence

a one-line response to the Prompt Gravity

Shireen Sinclair


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Words unsaid, mistakes undone
Bodies entwined
Skin on skin, breath for breath
Two individuals
No longer attached to the shear force of the earth
But to each other

Thank you so much C McClung for this week’s prompt (Gravity) and as always, the Chalkboard team, Kathy Jacobs and Harper Thorpe, for making this possible.

Shireen is an avid writer, budding Opera singer, apprentice nurse, dog sitter, dog walker, walker…. Jack of all trades and master of one — Mother to two children aged 8 and 10!



Shireen Sinclair

Artist, mother, writer, immigrant, nurse, seasoned struggler, struggling my way here to motivate others to accept change and start afresh at any point in life.