
a villanelle after Dewi

Tamyka Bell
1 min readJun 20, 2017


Image by Ronny Hvass (Pixabay)

I close my eyes to sky’s darkening gaze
and lose hope. Something collapsed inside
as you covered the cracks with glaze.

And days turn to nights and nights become days
and still from time’s passage I try to hide.
I close my eyes to sky’s darkening gaze

and ignore the rising tide, the moon’s phase
pulling oceans. My life was swept aside
as you covered the cracks with glaze

and glitter. Your shaking hand betrays
your calm exterior. Again, you lied.
I close my eyes to sky’s darkening gaze;

I close my eyes to love. It stays.
It stains. It pains me. How could I decide
as you covered the cracks with glaze?

Your handiwork is now complete. She lays
one hand upon weeping wounds, now dried,
to close my eyes to sky’s darkening gaze —
as you covered the cracks with glaze.

This poem is part of the Villanelle Vestiges project on Chalkboard. I borrowed the refrains from this villanelle:



Tamyka Bell

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing