Stuck In A Box … Step

Dance like nobody’s watching, but don’t make your partner look bad!

Harper Thorpe


That look that says (in no uncertain terms), “NO! I’ll lead and you follow!” (Image Source)

Forward together,
then sideways we’re going.
I’m back on my heels,
while you are tiptoeing.
Missteps our downfall,
both of our faults.
Time we admitted,
we suck at the waltz.

©2021 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.

Inspired by Ana-Maria Schweitzer’s poem, “Strolling My City,” and prompt, “steps.” Thanks also to our hosts, Kathy Jacobs and me (🙃), and the rest of the talented Chalkboard team!

And now, Genesis (aka, Two Left Feet) sings “I Can’t Dance



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!