stuck, struck, i flee

(i thought you missed)
A Write or Die response to With each stroke by Dewi

the alleged kat
1 min readNov 8, 2019


elf” by Enrique Meseguer on Pixabay

hear you see
through the cracks in the
smoke and ashes
i peer

dashes out
in dots
my sinking fear

leafing me
one lines
curling skyward here

once trickled
thrice spilled
casually tasteless reappear

my stanzas soaring, souring, premier

paeans of chance
a passing word
crashing rocks upon your ear

shot through
orderly arrows striking cavalier

bubbles of my songs
bursting silent screams
silvering my sinking carcass with a sneer

folding, molding, tearing my tales
shreds of pain
mere veneer

shorn away i see
your words, once i thought sincere

once again, too late, i find myself in hell, of one kind or another. dead. dying.
once again, i write myself a key, a song, to live, to escape.
once again, here, unseen, you sing, your key. perhaps, a light beyond?
i hold your key, Dewi, trembling.

This work is part of the Write or Die collaboration 2019. For more stories in this series, see the Write or Die Homepage —

