
Response to Jane’s prompt Upsizing

Kathy Jacobs
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


Photo from the Jacobs Family archives, from March 2012

A hard lesson to learn, to remember:

Stuff you buy
Stuff you eat
Will never fill
The hole
In your soul
Heal yourself
Love yourself
That’s what
Fills the hole

(Now that I am not the prompter, I can provide the rest of the story)

In March of 2012, hubby and I had to make a large move very suddenly. That move required us to get rid of the vast majority of our physical property. We ended up surviving it, and being fine. I hoped that ditching the stuff would help me heal. It didn’t.

What did? The hard work of owning my own problems. The hard work of making changes to my life and leaving behind the people and things that had held me back. Some of those people were left behind because of pain caused. Others were left behind because we hadn’t really connected in years.

It wasn’t easy to get rid of the stuff. I wish I had some of it back. That said, I am better off without it. I am healing the holes in my soul and learning who I am. I am accepting that I make mistakes and doing what I can to make up for them. May I find it possible to continue along this path. May you as well.



Kathy Jacobs

💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.