The Clearing, Ours - II

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2017
credit- Rangaa Aditya Armien. Pexels

It’s the fall season now. The weather turns symbolizing so very much. The fall triggers forgotten emotions with that first crisp morning, and we look to see where all the sweaters went. Unexpectedly catching us off guard the season affects us more then we think. This is our time to hunker down to go inward, shed layers, feel deep, gestate on reflections, sit in cold- for the air could reach our core, and walk in darkness. Fall is where we let go of the old, do repairs, and prepare. We send anything we don’t need away, forever.

A new semester,
newer feels and ‘on to holds’ —
kiss it, and let go.

We remain clear now. Clean. Pure. Depleted and empty, a dust of hope and thoughtfulness lines up over our dirt, across our soil — the foundation of our minds and bodies. A fertilizing layer of warm sun catches us at high noon as she expands on the horizon and drops in to give us a kiss before dashing off again behind some grey clouds.

clouds for eyes of a
healing-oil toad, rough touch for
a soft soothing core.

This is where we are now— our foundation in a solid clearing. Not afraid of the cold. Not afraid of the winter. Not afraid even, of an idea, that an idea, may catch us. For should we connect, we would have all winter to let it hybernate with us — ready to spring forward in a few months with glory.

concrete over the spoils
of ruins, ours— that rising feel
ing, and that Drake song.

But now, we get centered and grounded. For — Hibernation, Gestation, Creation, Love, Self-Love, Manifestation and intentions sauteed with clarity

Pairfaits of fall mixed with the promise of spring can be a delicious space to sit in.

This fall season — We rise! Refreshed. Renew.

With burden gone, we invite new discoveries and adventures into, to catapult us into an airiness of creativity— we allow the ideas that have been chasing us to finally— reach us, touch us, for now we have room for these ideas to come join our table. To discuss and to lock us down. Claiming us; we sit with our ideas, resting with our protective warm blanket around our cocoon. We are assured, that as we fall into fall, that we are ok. Embracing all colors. We are cleared.

cause that is alright
and everything’s alright, and
we will be alright.

This haibun is part of the Hands in Haibun collaboration.This lively and vital essence of a prose is written by my girl, Fierce Force 💃🏼, 🙌👏😘. Visit the original post at:

