The House of Doom

A Write or Die response to Mother’s Human Humus

Sylvia Wohlfarth


Transition — final verse of Mother’s Human Humus by Harper Thorpe

Could I have been asleep all this time?
Was I knocked-out when kicked in the head?
And if I dreamed that there was a crime,
Then why are my arms tied to the bed?
Mom’s deceased. What? I’m the offender?
How are you sure my mother is dead?
Her DNA was found in the blender
And in the vat labeled, Mother’s Dead Spread!

She looked into his wild and bewildered eyes
And saw… “was it madness or fear?”
And nothing which reflected his guilt or his lies.
His pleas of innocence stabbed her heart like a spear.
And though all evidence was against him
And he stood accused,
She believed in his tale, though brutal and grim.
“I must prove his innocence” she secretly mused.
So, after work, back to the house she covertly went
Without anyone knowing and with no official consent.

Aware that the house was cordoned off for the public
She’d pocketed the key, rest assured it would fit.
And knowing too well she’d have to be quick,
She entered the “house of doom” as she now called it.



Sylvia Wohlfarth

An Irish-Nigerian soul living in Ireland after 40 years in Germany. A social anthropologist, English teacher, and more. With stories to share; and an opinion…