The Murder Room

A call for collaborators to Chalkboard’s upcoming asynchronous collaboration

Indira Reddy
2 min readApr 16, 2017


Wikimedia Commons

Crime fiction has always been one of the most popular genres. Some like sarcastic detectives, some prefer the more intellectual/pseudo-intellectual approach and some, the bumbling ones who discover everything by accident. But the centre of all of it is a murder and the people who witness its solving.

Imagine if multiple writers took the same set of people, described them in their own style and wrote a murder mystery. It would be like seeing a reflection in a series of fun-house mirrors, each reflection a new facet for readers to admire. That’s what we want to do here.

How it will work

Write a murder story in 1500 words or more. Any story, any backstory is acceptable as long as there is a murder and you utilise all the characters listed. Other than that, just go for it!

Remember, this is not a series. This is a set of stand-alone stories with the only common thread being the names of the characters.

If you would like to participate in this challenge, please leave a note in the comments confirming your participation. Once you are done with your story and if you are already a writer at Chalkboard, please submit your draft as usual. If you would like to be added as a writer, please leave a note in the comments and you will be added. If you would like feedback from the Chalkboard Editors prior to publishing, please submit earlier drafts with a note at the top, saying “TK for feedback.”

If you have any questions, please leave a note in the comments and I will revert.

The Characters

  1. Teresa Williams — has OCD, fashionista, ultra-feminine
  2. Claire Samson — loves rugby, copywriter, whiskey-drinker
  3. Kirsten Fourier — loves Game of Thrones, dancer, party-girl
  4. Thomas Kendall — murder victim
  5. Riley Strauss — detective

The Rules

  1. Thomas Kendall must be the murder victim.
  2. You must use all characters. You can add as many new characters as you want.
  3. For the three women, three key characteristics have been provided. You must use at least one.
  4. The story must be a minimum of 1500 words.
  5. The story must be accompanied by an image with attribution.
  6. The story must be tagged with “The Murder Room”
  7. At the end of the story, please add
    This story is part of the Murder Room project on Chalkboard.
  8. The challenge will end on May 25th. All stories will be published on May 31st.

And that’s it! Happy writing!



Indira Reddy

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…