Toss the Trash

A one-line (30 words) poem

Poetry by Tapan Avasthi
1 min readSep 16, 2019


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

Enemy sighted!
Infiltrating our lands, skies, and seas
Threatening to seize our souls
Not a time to tremble!
Let’s throw them back to their bins
One toss at a time

Author’s note:

Dear Readers:
Please join me in taking a pledge to do our bit in taking care of the surroundings and atmosphere by inculcating good habits in keeping our planet clean and healthy.

Many thanks to Aaska Aejaz, Kathy Jacobs, Harper Thorpe and entire Chalkboard community for a thought-provoking prompt — ‘Habits’:



Poetry by Tapan Avasthi

Poetry and prose about life from the lens of an engineer. Buy me a coffee — 💗POM-poet!💗