Photo by Andrys Stienstra (Pixabay)


after Dewi

Tamyka Bell
Published in
1 min readDec 31, 2016


If sorrow
most masterfully left
paper trails, that would be fucking–A,
each letter
replicating lies and
meditating upon what comes, then —
as if some
newsreaders, umpiring
ev’ry action, studying it all,
noticed his
cabal scattered, broken —
explaining our need for sad endings.

This acrostic golden shovel is part of Keep Digging Deeper: a tributary web on Chalkboard. (I was a bit cheeky with this one, because it’s also a parallelogram de crystalline.) I worked from a line in this poem:

Flow on…

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Tamyka Bell

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing