Truth Buried in Avalanche

Will we dig-out from the lies before democracy suffocates?

Harper Thorpe


Pushing the Big Lie: Ali Alexander, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Donald Trump, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar (Artwork © Nancy Ohanian — Used With Permission)

President’s fact-free protestation,
State media’s supportive narration,
a blizzard of misinformation,
his party’s lack of denunciation
and cowardly impeachment abdication,
will bolster insurrection provocation
and unify the QAnon nation!

©2021 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.

Inspired by Rhonda Marrone’s poem “Snowfall” and prompt “snow.” Thanks to lour hosts, Kathy Jacobs and me (🙃), and the rest of the talented team at Chalkboard!

And now, Marvin Gaye sings his hopeful, soulful “What’s Going On”



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!