
Wild Flower
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2016

part of the Women : Power series of poems featuring BHD, marika bianca, Orisirisi, Rachel B. Baxter, Tamyka Bell, Tre L. Loadholt and Violet Oh Violet

Words of hate
hurled from
insidious tongue
sitting beneath
bruised skin.

She walks resiliently,
shoulders holding
I am that I am

You cannot breach
unbreakable walls,
you cannot teach
warrior blood.

Spear in hand,
heart on sleeve,
world at
her feet.

Unshackled now
she screams

“My Power was never yours”

Dedicated to Jennifer Killgore with love x



Wild Flower

Jess is my real name. Writing from sandy shores in-between the chaos of life. Community worker by day and P o e t e s s all other times. Journey with me.