Wanting More

For you, our community, and the world

Harper Thorpe
Nov 11, 2020


If a dog is man’s best friend, having more dogs is a good thing, isn’t it … honey? (Image Credit)

Too often consumed,
thinking we’re doomed,
perhaps, life’s resumed.

Point of inflection,
time for reflection
and introspection.

I want more
human kindness.

And to leave hate behind us!

Author’s note: It’s interesting that some people are reticent to say, “I want” because it’s sounds selfish. It’s worse to add “more” because it sounds greedy — especially during a time when so many are struggling to acquire life’s basic needs. But add “for you” explicitly or by implication, and your statement is altruistic. And more altruism is definitely a good thing in good and bad times.

©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.

Your turn!


Share your own one-line poem (30 words or less) on the theme as a response to this post, or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece ‘One Line’ or if it’s 15 words or less, ‘Chalkboard Espresso’. If you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.

As always, thanks to our hosts, Kathy Jacobs and me (🙃), and the rest of the talented Chalkboard team!

And now, Rascal Flatts sings “My Wish For You” because I want more music for you that consoles, uplifts, brings joy, and motivates. I hope you like it.



Harper Thorpe

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!