When you don’t listen…

Indira Reddy
Published in
1 min readJan 30, 2018
Photo by my wife Christie Stalcup

Listen to the words of one who has lived in salt,
listen and heed, or else he will come for you —
you with the swagger and the swanky hat,
you who dared to laugh at Neptune’s frothy locks —
he will come for you, when you least expect,
devour you in a single wave,
suck out your marrow and
spit out that swanky hat as a warning.
Beware! Beware and heed!



This is a response to the Imagà Imaginings prompt by Michael Stalcup. Thanks to Christie for the gorgeous photo.



Indira Reddy

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…