Death by Iced Coffee

The Poisoning of Mirna Salihin

Nikki Young


Mirna Salihin on a separate occasion holding a coffee. | Source: Facebook

We all have those friends we’ve had for what feels like forever. The ones who come in and out of your life as you each forge your own paths, but when you re-unite, it’s almost as if no time has passed.

In 2016, Mirna Salihin would meet up with a group of friends just like this to catch up over coffee. The young and healthy Mirna would die within less than half an hour of this get-together. No one had any idea what could have happened to her — until a medical exam was performed and video surveillance footage from the cafe was reviewed. You won’t believe what happened to Mirna and who was responsible for her death during what was supposed to be a reunion of good friends.

Wayan Mirna Salihin was born on March 30, 1988, in Jakarta, Indonesia. She was the daughter of a fairly wealthy businessman — and she also had a twin sister. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot posted online about Mirna, so I’ll try to give you as much detail as I can about her. From the reports that I’ve read, it appears she had a very happy normal childhood and knew from an early age that she wanted to be a graphic designer.

After she graduated high school in 2007, she decided to attend design school at the Billy Blue College of Design in Sydney — which is one of Australia’s most well-known design schools. For…



Nikki Young

Host of true crime podcast, Serial Napper. Let me guide you through some of the craziest true crime stories you‘ve never heard of.