5 green challenge ideas to help you be more environmentally friendly

Steph Mandeville
Challenge Accepted
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2021

Yesterday the news was flooded with the latest scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that identifies the huge human influence that is warming the planet. For many, this is a wake-up call for time to act.

We’ve put together our list of the top 5 most popular green challenges on the Challenge Accepted app, ranging from 30-day challenges, documentaries to help educate yourself about climate change and how to reduce waste by reusing household items.

  1. Try 30-days plastic-free
    Going entirely plastic-free is a difficult task. In this challenge, we ask you to try reducing your use of single-use plastics by being mindful of your purchases e.g. avoiding plastic soft drinks bottles and plastic ready meals
  2. See our list of ideas to reuse household items
    So much of our food comes in jars or containers which can have a perfectly good use for other things, allowing you to both save money whilst reducing your waste. See the full list of ideas on the Challenge Accepted app.
  3. Try 30-days meat-free
    There are now so many excellent recipes and meat alternatives that can make this challenge a lot easier than it was a few years ago. Can you go 30-days without meat? This is a great one for finding new recipes too.
  4. Educate yourself on climate change
    On world environment day we created a challenge for films and TV series to stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime and NOW TV that help to educate people about the effects of climate change.
  5. One more thing — Green challenge
    Try adding one more thing (one more habit) at a time to live a more green lifestyle. Change doesn’t happen overnight and living a more sustainable lifestyle takes thought and changes in your habits. We created a ‘One more thing — green’ challenge to help guide you on small changes you can make by taking one step at a time.

Get started on your next green challenge on the free Challenge Accepted app available on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

There are more challenge ideas on Challenge Accepted, but please get in touch with us if you have more green challenge ideas.

Challenge Accepted — keep going and stay motivated with all your challenges. Download on the App Store or Google Play Store
Challenge Accepted — keep going and stay motivated with all your challenges

