A Collection of Support

Sarah Sophie Schwarzhappel
Challenging Art: A Guidebook
1 min readApr 30, 2021

We often need and receive help from other people, and we also all, in different ways, have the strength to help others. Giving and receiving support can both be challenging but also very empowering. In this assignment, you will create a miniature sculpture garden to honor times you received support and times you supported others. This activity aims to reflect on emotions connected with giving and receiving help. In the end, you will form a mini-sculpture garden of tangible reminders of these situations of connection with others.

  1. Take notes about your feelings in situations when you received/ offered support, including where in your body you feel them.
  2. Mix salt dough. In cups: ½ flour, ¼ water, ¼ salt. (Should feel like playdough: add water/flour if necessary).
  3. Choose five situations from Step 1. Sculpt shapes (places/objects/ people/abstract shapes) representing each memory or your feelings associated with it.
  4. Bake the sculptures at 140° F until solid (use parchment paper) or let them dry for a few days.
  5. When fully dry, color the sculptures (watercolors work best). Arrange them into your mini-sculpture garden. Send pictures to your teacher.

