Baggio Jiang Art Assignment

Yuzhi Jiang
Challenging Art: A Guidebook
1 min readMay 1, 2021

Building the Five Senses

This world is built around our perception of it, in other words, our five senses. Hence, it is important to pay attention to them, as they create feelings, feelings create emotions, and emotions create art. In this exercise, we are going to reverse this process, use art to think, and reconnect ourselves with our five senses. This is an experience of self-understanding and exploration, by challenging your perception of yourself, you will have the opportunity to better know who you are and what is your place in this world.


  1. Go around your house and look for things that you are most familiar with.
  2. Gather 20–30 objects in your room.
  3. Take a profile picture of yourself.
  4. Choose 5 objects from your collection to best represent your sight, smell, taste, hearing, and thoughts, and take a photo of each of them. Try to be as creative as possible!
  5. Use photoshop to combine the five photos with your profile picture (or, print out all of them and make an artistic collage!)
  6. Submit your work as a jpeg to your teacher.

