Community Puzzle

Adaeze Regina Chukwuka
Challenging Art: A Guidebook
2 min readMay 2, 2021

Everyone has a place in their community. This community can be anything from your family, to your neighborhood, to the entire world. You may have specific relationships with different members of the communities you’re in, and each of these relationships probably have a different impact on you. This project focuses on understanding the importance of these relationships and their roles of your life. For this project, you’ll need 2 pieces of paper (one of these should be printer paper or construction paper), something to write with (a pen or a pencil), and scissors. Optionally, you can also use a piece of cardboard, glue, and colored pencils.

  1. On the first piece of paper, list 4 communities that you’re in (ex: your school, your family, a community surrounding a hobby, etc). Next to each community, write down a relationship you have with someone in that community (a family member, a friend, a coach, etc).
  2. Think about this relationship. How does it make you feel? What impact does it have on your life? Answer this next to each relationship listed.
  3. Using your pencil or pen, draw 5 connected puzzle pieces on your second piece of paper, with one piece in the center.
  4. On the center puzzle piece, draw an image of yourself. On each of the other pieces, draw a symbol of a relationship you listed before. This symbol could be a drawing of the person themselves or something that represents them. On the boundary of between each piece and the piece in the center, draw a symbol representing the relationship’s impact on you (ex: a heart for love).
  5. Cut out your puzzle. (Optional: glue it onto cardboard and then cut it out so that it’s less flimsy.) Take time to remove certain pieces and reflect on how the puzzle looks without them. Does the puzzle look incomplete without these pieces? Do any pieces seem more important than others?
  6. Take a picture of your puzzle and write a short reflection on what each piece means to you. Submit this image and reflection to a Google Drive.

