Teen Abducted From Target Parking Lot, Strangled With Her Own Belt

Kelsey’s killer said he targeted her because she had nice legs and called her a “crime of opportunity.”

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Kelsey Smith. Source: The Cinemaholic

Kelsey Smith had just graduated from high school and she was looking forward to attending Kansas State University. The 18-year-old was creative and passionate. She sang in choir, ran track, and played clarinet in marching band. Kelsey had a personality larger than life and according to her father, lived more in 18 years than some people do in their entire lives.

On June 2, 2007, Kelsey went to Target in Overland Park, Kansas to purchase an anniversary gift for her boyfriend John. While paying for her items, Kelsey called her mother to tell her that she would be returning home shortly. The drive was only 8 minutes, but after an hour Kelsey still hadn’t returned. Greg, a police officer of 17 years, had always taught Kelsey the importance of staying in touch, so when she didn’t answer their texts or phone calls they knew that something had gone terribly wrong.

Within an hour, an extensive search for Kelsey was executed. Her 87' Buick Regal was found in Macy’s parking lot across the street from Target two hours later. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Kelsey.

