The Model Who Hired a Hitman

“Just put her in a chopper,” she requested as she handed over $125.

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Tara Lambert, the ‘femme fatale’ of Circleville, Ohio | Photo source

When Brandon Lambert and Kellie Cooke’s relationship fell apart, the couple decided to co-parent their two daughters as civilly as possible. Both remarried; Brandon to a woman named Tara and Kellie to a man named Shawn Cooke. Although Brandon and Kellie had a custody schedule set in place, the two continued to bitterly fight over visitation rights.

Kellie wanted more time with her children, but Tara disagreed. A nasty custody battle ensued, and angry texts were sent back and forth between the Lamberts and the Cookes. After constant harassment from both ends, Tara decided she had had enough. She was going to get rid of her ‘problem’ permanently.

A $1,000 solution

Shawn and Kellie Cooke | Photo source

Tara contacted an old friend name Ginny Cheadle in a private Facebook message. Tara and Ginny didn’t exactly run in the same circles, but they were friendly acquaintances in high school. Tara remembered Ginny as the strong ‘don't mess with me type.’ The brawny and intimidating Ginny was not one to back down.

