She Was Stabbed 20 Times but Her Death Was Ruled a Suicide

When the 911 operator told Ellen’s fiancé to administer CPR he said, “Do I have to?”

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Ellen Rae Greenberg | Source

Ten years ago, bright and charismatic 27-year-old Ellen Rae Greenberg worked as a first-grade teacher at Juniata Park Academy. She was engaged to television producer 28-year-old Samuel Goldberg and the couple lived together in a luxury sixth-floor apartment in Philadelphia.

On January 26, 2011, the city was hit by a massive blizzard and Ellen was sent home from work early. At 4:45 pm, Sam decided to head to the apartment gym. When he returned at 5:30, he tried to unlock the door to the apartment, but it only budged a few inches; the swing bar lock had been engaged from the inside.

Sam banged repeatedly on the door, shouting Ellen’s name. He called her phone twice and sent her a barrage of text messages but never received a response:

Sam Goldberg: “Hello”

Sam Goldberg: “open the door”

Sam Goldberg: “what r u doin”

Sam Goldberg: “im getting pissed”

Sam Goldberg: “hello”

Sam Goldberg: “you better have an excuse”

