She Killed Her Best Friend and Got Caught Thanks to Her Own Selfie

What appeared to be a fashion accessory ended up being the murder weapon.

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Brittney Gargol | Source

Brittney Gargol lived in Saskatchewan, Canada. The 18-year-old juggled two jobs while working toward her high school diploma. Brittney, who planned to study hospitality after graduation, was described by her family as an adventurous and strong-willed young woman who loved the outdoors.

Wherever she went, Brittney’s best friend, 18-year-old Cheyenne Antoine, was always by her side. The girls had been friends since the 9th grade and were inseparable.

Cheyenne had been placed into the foster care system at the age of two since both of her parents struggled with drug addiction. When Cheyenne was 15, her biological mother suddenly passed away. Cheyenne found herself abusing drugs and alcohol to cope. She ran away from her foster home many times and began acting out by committing petty crimes. By the time she was 18, she had already amassed quite a lengthy criminal record.

Cheyenne’s substance abuse and criminal history didn’t matter to Brittney. She defended their friendship to those who questioned it and stood beside her best friend, through thick and thin.

