10 Behaviors That Are Necessary for True Friendship

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” ― Bob Marley

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By John Persico

I confess I ended a number of friendships this past year. I decided to simply “let go” of people who don’t call me or who do not seem to have any interest in whether I am alive or dead. I can’t say this task was easy.

I have misgivings about when and how I have approached the effort. My solution has been to simply not call or contact others unless they contact me. I have for many years felt like I was the one doing most of the work in several “friendships.” I am not sure whether it is the “parsimony” of old age (i.e., only so much time left on this earth) or simply laziness. Somehow though, I thought: “Well, if they want to see me, they can call me for a change.” Maybe it simply means that I do not care about friendship enough to invest the work they need. I even had misgivings over my “best friend.” I began to feel that we had drifted apart over the years and no longer had the basis for a friendship.

In On Friends and Friendship, I described some basic theories of friendships and went back to the ideas of Aristotle to help describe what friendship is and the types of friendship…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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