10 Immortal Quotes About Money by the Wealthy Stoic Seneca

True wisdom lasts forever.

Jannick Olsson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

While Seneca lived 2,000 years ago, his eternal wisdom of wealth remains remarkably relevant today.

Seneca was a very rich Roman. He would regularly practice being poor to stay humble. He slept on the cold stone floor, walked barefoot in the streets, and starved himself, only rarely allowing himself a piece of old bread.

Here are 10 immortal quotes about money from Seneca:

  • It is the sign of a weak mind to be unable to bear wealth.
  • For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them.
  • The shortest road to wealth lies in the contempt of wealth.
  • The poor lack much, the greedy everything. The greedy man benefits none and is his own worst enemy. Greed denies to itself what it has taken from everyone else.
  • Golden roofs break men’s rest.
  • These individuals have riches just as we say that we ‘have a fever,’ when really the fever has us.
  • With parsimony a little is sufficient; without it nothing is sufficient; but frugality makes a poor man rich.
  • Money has not yet made anyone rich.
  • Poverty is unburdened and free from care. When the trumpet sounds, the poor man knows that he is not being attacked; when there’s a cry of “fire”, he only seeks a way of escape and does not ask what he can save.
  • The greatest wealth is a poverty of desires.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what your favorite money quote is.



Jannick Olsson
Change Becomes You

Based in Copenhagen | Asset Manager | Reading and writing about self-improvement, philosophy, fitness, and finances.