10 Phrases You Need to Eliminate From Your Vocabulary to Instantly Sound Smarter
It will literally, like, change your life.
The English language is on life support, hanging on by a mere thread of spellchecks and the last few surviving attention spans. It has endured years of abuse by strict character counts and the butchered slang of popular culture. Social media is ruthless, and the distorted lingo of funny GIFs and trending memes is slowly seeping into our everyday language.
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Marie Clair of the Plain English Campaign explained, “young people create their own language because they don’t want to sound like stuffy adults.” But what happens when adults start using teen-speak? Who’s left to preserve the English language? And if the majority of people are using these phrases, does that make them valid?
Listen, I get it. I, too, appreciate abbreviations to speed up a text. I also understand that symbols have been used as a form of communication since the prehistoric days of cave painting. But what started as harmless cyber-slang might be morphing into a much greater beast.