10 Ways on How to Overcome Regret

Change Becomes You
Published in
6 min readApr 29, 2022


I’m a very regretful person. I’ll say, It’s practically embedded in my DNA. I would regret small things, from getting a question wrong in an exam, all the way to having a bad break up with a boyfriend.

There’s not a time I wouldn’t be fixated on something that I could have done differently. If I was not obsessing about a current situation, I would nitpick on things that happened even from way back in time. On how things could have turned out differently, “If only.”

Amazing how my brain always tries to come up with ways to continually torture me. Why can’t I just be content with what I have and where I am in the present moment? Certainly I could lead a more enjoyable life this way.

Continuing to ruminate on wrongdoings is only a waste of time, the more you do it, the more you can’t move past them and get on with your life.

Now here I am, scouring the internet for advice on how to better handle my regrets and to move on from them with a more positive attitude. I’ll share them with you today, in case they can be helpful to you as well.

Becuase as my mom used to say:“There is no crying over spilled milk”.

1. You are not perfect, and that is alright



Change Becomes You

Do the things you are passionate about and the rest will follow through. http://www.mindfullylazy.com/