12 Things That Have Been Proven by Science That People Still Don’t Believe

In a world filled with information and discoveries, it’s sometimes surprising to learn that certain facts, proven by science, are still met with skepticism or disbelief by some.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock.com

By The Invested Wallet and Claire Conway

In a world filled with information and discoveries, it’s sometimes surprising to learn that certain facts, proven by science, are still met with skepticism or disbelief by some. Despite scientists’ best efforts and solid evidence, there are things that some people just find hard to accept.

1. Climate Change

Despite overwhelming scientific consensus, there are still people who deny the reality of climate change. Scientists have provided extensive evidence showing that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have significantly contributed to the rise in global temperatures. The melting polar ice caps, extreme weather events, and shifting climate patterns are all observable consequences of this phenomenon. Denying climate change not only goes against scientific data but also hinders global efforts to combat its devastating effects.

2. Evolution



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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