13 Ways I’ll Make My Life More Positive in 2024

Trevor Huffman
Change Becomes You
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2024


This is not me. Photo by Rachel McDermott on Unsplash
  1. Build Mindset: Stop talking to yourself like you aren’t your best friend. Most of us are unaware of that inner “loser” voice that talks to us like an a**hole. Build awareness of your ego’s voice and stop it when it goes rogue or replace it with a positive, “You got this, friend!” alternative.
  2. Positive Circles of People: Remove shallow, toxic, negative, self-serving people who don’t create meaning in your life. Yes, that’s it!
  3. Replace Addictions: Seek pleasure for happiness and stay unhappy. Desire much, suffer much. Figure out what addictions you have and get help. Replace bad addictions with healthier ones. Stop seeking and start being full without the need for anything.
  4. Healthy Hobbies: Find human connection through healthy hobbies and fun leisure. Body movement, tai chi, yoga, run clubs, bike groups, fitness communities, walking, hiking, pickleball, and trying the sport or craft you loved as a child. Do it and just be happy with the doing of it. Don’t seek happy feelings from hobbies; just do them fully.
  5. Life and Meaning: Life and work. The Big Two always descend upon you. Try to think about life and work and meaning together. How do you treat everyone in your work and life as an end, not a means to an end? Every interaction can be full of presence and curiosity and learning if you…



Trevor Huffman
Change Becomes You

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.