15 Metaphors for Depression That’ll Help You Explain It

It’s not a light subject, but one that must be talked about openly

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Sean Clarke

As well as living the first 20 years of my life under the spell of intense anxiety, I’ve also experienced depression on several different levels. The first time I experienced depression I was very young. However, this wasn’t triggered by a specific event. Instead, it felt like a long drawn out sense of inner sadness from within. It’s only now I’m older that I realize I was depressed. Fast forward to recent years and I experienced a different kind of depression — the kind that makes you want to stay indoors and not interact with anyone, and even question life itself. Throughout my experience with depression, I’ve come to realize that whilst there is a common belief that depression is just ‘extreme sadness’, it can manifest in different ways. Because of this, there are a ton of different ways that you could explain depression to someone else who has never truly experienced it.

It’s not a light subject, but one that must be talked about openly. That way, when it does strike, people will feel as if it’s normal to talk about it, and thus, reach out for help. Here’s a list of metaphors for depression that you might resonate with. They’re designed to help you explain depression to…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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