21 Ways That Men Practice Happiness

Happiness isn’t merely “that time when…” or some fleeting feeling. It’s a way of living, a practice.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo Credit: Andre Hunter on Unsplash

By Cameron Conaway

Happiness isn’t merely “that time when…” or some fleeting feeling. It’s a way of living, a practice. Work, sport, traveling, and training in mindfulness have painted for me a direct link between happiness and the practice of it. So many of our commercials and metaphors carry within them the importance of practice and work ethic. Kobe Bryant not leaving the gym until he hits his 500th jumper, or the pianist waking every morning at 4 a.m. to squeeze in a lesson before going to work. Though it may be easier to literally see the results of practice in a physical endeavor, there is perhaps no practice more important than the practice of happiness. Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have our own ways. We all train in happiness. Here are 21 men talking about what they do and how they do it:

(1) “A day without tea is not a good day,” goes the loose translation of a Chinese proverb. Every morning I practice happiness in the early moments of my day by focusing on making and drinking tea. The tea is prepared in a traditional Guangdong style that assists in centering the mind on the moment at hand. Small cups, small amounts, focused intention. — Wilhelm



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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