25 Key Interpersonal Skills for Well-Being

If you feel your interpersonal skills are lacking, here’s how to improve them.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Tchiki Davis and Eser Yilmaz

Have you ever noticed that someone wasn’t paying attention to what you said during a discussion? Or maybe you might have been forced to listen to someone’s rambling monologue while wondering when they would let you speak. In these examples, interpersonal skills were lacking.

Effective social interactions are vital for our careers, personal relationships, and well-being. Furthermore, meaningful social interactions keep our brains healthier and our cognitive skills sharper as we get older (Kensinger & Gutchess, 2017; Ristau, 2011). Given how essential social interactions are, you may find it strange that some individuals can effortlessly handle any social situation whereas others struggle even with the most straightforward social behaviors. These variances in how people carry themselves in social circumstances result from differences in interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal skills are the competencies that allow you to interact effectively with other people and function well as a member of society. They enable you to exchange information with others, build connections, maintain relationships, and resolve conflicts.



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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