28 Life Lessons Learned In 28 Years

Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

Ben Mumme
Change Becomes You


Photo by Marius Venter from Pexels

“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” — John Gardner

Today is my 28th birthday. I thought about some of the most important life lessons that I have learned in the first 28 years of life.

I still have so much to learn. But here are 28 lessons that I’ve learned in no particular order.

I hope you can learn a lesson or two!

1. Kindness is a never-ending currency.

Rich, poor, working, or not, you have the constant influx of kindness to pay forward if you choose to. Life is hard, some people can be mean, and it’s always easier to get angry, but kindness takes you farther than anything else.

2. It’s what you do, not what you say you will do.

Your word matters, but only if you keep it. Whether it’s a promise to someone else or a commitment to yourself, you’re only as good as the thing you’ll follow through on. What you say you’ll do doesn’t matter if people know you won’t actually come through. Your subconscious mind knows it too. If you always break promises to yourself then you’ll never break bad habits and create good ones, because you’re already…

