3 Things About Journaling No One Talks About

Journaling is an antidote to nostalgia.

Drew Morrison
Change Becomes You


I have journaled on a diligent basis since about 2013. I started because it became an outlet for me to get my thoughts out of my head. Since then it has evolved to multiple forms of journaling whether it was a basic pen and paper journal or my current digital journal in the DayOne app. I was going through my old journal entries and I realized a few things.

Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Journaling Is An Antidote To Nostalgia

How often have you looked back at old photos and remembered the “good days” of something and wish that you could be transported back to this simple time when you were living your best life?

Journaling helped me realize that these times do not exist. The reason we have nostalgia is because we know what happened in our past. The other day I was thinking about when I was 23 years old hanging out with my friends at the neighborhood bar. I was having such “good times”.

The truth was I had tons of concerns about my career and overall direction in life. I felt like a loser because I had a college degree but worked at a coffee shop with no sense of what I wanted to do. I was waiting for someone to save me.



Drew Morrison
Change Becomes You

🏃🏻‍♂️Training for the next hardest race. Writing about the lessons that I've learned.