3 Tips to Manifest Your Best Start-Over Plan

That you can start today!

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Change Becomes You
5 min readApr 26, 2023


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Your best results are “in the process.” And the trials you go through (when you look back) will produce your best stuff if you don’t give up. The struggles are never wasted.

When you’re in it, you’re all-in focused.

You’re not overthinking.

You’re too busy being productive. That’s a good kind of busy! And this article is about how to set yourself up for your start-over plan that you manifest into reality.

In my life, I started over in a big way from marriage to being single again. And when I left my 20+ years of a corporate career to enter a freelancing one.

As you can imagine, so much happened in between.

And that’s how life is…

Even when things get tough and push comes to shove, we persevere.

And that’s how your life can be today…

You don’t let disappointments stop you. And you don’t sweat the small stuff. You learn to embrace letting go. And you don’t take your life so seriously.

Starting over, you keep on chugging along. If you look at a start over as a new chance to experience a new life, then that can become your exciting why.

You can see that your old life had limitations. And with an unwritten future, there’s hope to do something bigger and better.

Believe that this Life is rigged in your favor.

No matter what your situation is, you’ll take all your life experiences and do bigger and better things.

A brand new day is a start-over chance.

So, here are 3 tips to make your best start-over plan happen:

1. Throw out lists.

I know this is not a popular tip for most achieving people on this planet! We love our lists. And I had planner roles for half of my corporate career, and am a planner at heart.

…So when I threw out the idea of lists, that was a big leap.

Don’t get me wrong: lists have a time and a place for daily tasks. But when it comes to life goals and achieving, lists do one thing well… they keep you on track. You get clear about your targets.

The problem is if you don’t achieve what’s on the list or they’re no longer your wants, then one day your ego mind will take that information and show you how you failed. And yeah, will have a field day with you if you allow those thoughts to fester.

The better way is to close your eyes or sit outside, and think about what it is that you really want. And have the expectation to not get an answer back right away.

Have you ever noticed how when you’re put on the spot for an answer, you can’t remember what the answer is even if it’s something you think about daily?

It’s not brain fog, but our minds freeze up when they’re boxed in under pressure.

…That’s how creativity is too. When we’re under stress, we can’t be creative in survival mode.

So when you’re relaxed, let your deeper gut or heart provide answers that your thinking mind can’t manifest with limited ideas.

That’s what you can expect to get if you throw out the defined lists.

Personally, I find bucket lists even a bit useless. Because if you want to do something, why not do it today?… or at least start planning or create a vision board. Ya never know what will happen or stop you tomorrow. Plus, tomorrow’s ideas will change as our world changes.

When you’re in middle age (however you define that), you’ll want different things. It’s easy these non-Middle Age days to get distracted. And if the ideas stick around, you don’t need to write them down. They’re imprinted on your forehead 😊

2. Be open to a life that you never experienced before.

Life isn’t meant to be the same as it started if you want to manifest an amazing life.

Be willing to have a life tomorrow that looks very different than the one today and from your past. Such as, where you live, your friends, and the lifestyle you grew up with.

Abundance doesn’t come from settling into a comfort zone and the status quo culture you grew up with. For more outta this life, you’re going to have to take some risks and do life differently.

And that means separating yourself from familiarity to let new ideas enter and take root.

Going to college for a young adult is a good example. When a student breaks away from the nest, that’s when they learn to explore who they are untethered. And of course, that’s just the beginning.

…Moving on and in your new surroundings, you meet new groups of people that influence what you do. And you try things that no one you know from your younger years is doing. And that’s why different surroundings help to break out of old patterns.

When I started spending more time in church groups that were so new and different to me than the core group I spent time with, I felt misaligned and pulled in two directions.

I was uncomfortable in two worlds where I felt like I was living a double life. But letting go of my earlier lifestyle helped to take me away from a lesser, victim mentality life that I grew out of. And then I grew outside my comfort zone with more experiences around diverse walks of life. I became less judgmental and more compassionate.

And finally…

3. Stay inspired.

When days get tougher or you feel like you’re stuck in a life you’re not happy in, challenge yourself to push through your feelings. Take the opportunity for a daily break and escape.

Change your routine channels until you find one that’s healthy and inspires you. Often it’s one you already know or have been to, but you forgot about how that made you feel in life’s busy shuffle. Getting space lets you get back to your real wants.

And seeing a new day as another chance to break through is how you can manifest the next steps that take you to where you’re meant to and want to go.

If you really want to make a change from your past in who you are and manifest the big plans and dreams that were meant for you before you were born, and that you can co-create in life’s design, then sign-up to be on my Substack list and I’ll let you know when my FREE book offer is available that shares these insightful tips, ways, and wisdom you can bring to life.



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Change Becomes You

My latest published articles are found at: HealthyHappyLifeSecrets.com -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…