36 Anxiety Metaphors To Help You To Explain Anxiety To Others

Anxiety is like when you’re nervous for a big test.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Sean Clarke

Everyone on the face of the planet experiences anxiety on different levels. Everyone also experiences anxiety differently. From the person who gets nervous before a test, to the person who suffers with a constant worrying feeling. Although I believe we experience anxiety almost daily to some degree, some people still say “I just don’t get anxiety.” Trying to explain hardcore anxiety to those people can be a difficult job. I’ve tried to explain to those kinds of people the anxiety I have experienced. I’ve received shocked faces from some, and puzzled looks by others. It’s always been a struggle to try and get the message across. That’s why I’ve put this list of anxiety metaphors together, because hopefully they resonate with you, and so hopefully they’ll help you to explain to others how anxiety makes you feel.

Anxiety Metaphors That Anxious People Can Relate To;

1. Anxiety is like when you’re nervous for a big test. Instead of having a relieving feeling once the test is over, you continue to feel nervous without knowing why.

2. Anxiety is like being chased by a pack of wolves. You’re heart is racing, your



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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