46 Life Lessons From an 80-Year-Old Man

Wisdom from elderly people is often better than strength.

Ben Mumme
Change Becomes You


Photo by AG Z from Pexels

“The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.” -Andy Rooney

Older people can be a source of wise words and sage advice on dealing with and enjoying life to its fullest.

I recently stumbled upon an article called 50 life lessons from an 80-year-old man. Many of the life lessons relate to our ability to process and handle emotions.

The article has inspired me to re-post 46 of the life lessons and write about each one.

1. Have a firm handshake.

A firm handshake is necessary in life for making a great first impression on everyone you meet.

2. Look people in the eye.

Looking people in the eye establishes a great connection with the person on the other end. It shows you’re serious, enthusiast, listening, and actually want to have the conversation. Build your self-confidence, and build others’ confidence in you.

3. Sing in the shower.

Change your mood and inspire positivity. Have a good sing in the shower.

4. Own a great stereo system.

