5 Essential Money Habits for Younger Millennials and Gen Zers

Building a solid financial foundation for your future.

The Maven
Change Becomes You
3 min readApr 13, 2023


Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Hey there, young Millennials and Gen Zers! It’s time to sharpen your financial skills.

Even though you may be just beginning your financial adventure, it’s important to develop wise financial practices at a young age.

Check out these five crucial money practices to help you lay a strong foundation for your future finances:

Create and Stick to a Budget:

A budget is a must if you want to manage your money wisely. Start by keeping a spending journal, determining your top priorities, and establishing reasonable objectives.

Don’t forget to include in costs for utilities, groceries, rent, and transportation. After that, utilize spreadsheets or budgeting applications to keep you on track.

Always be careful of your expenditures and make necessary modifications to stay inside your budget.

Start Saving for Retirement Early:

Don’t wait until you are old and grey to begin your retirement savings. Instead, get started as soon as possible. It is advisable to get started saving as quickly as you can.

Make as much contributions as you can to any retirement programmes your employer could provide.

If you are without access to a retirement plan, open an IRA on your own. Using compound interest, early investments might aid in the growth of your funds over time.

Build an Emergency Fund:

Being prepared for unexpected expenses is essential since life is unpredictable. Creating an emergency fund might help you avoid going into debt.

The emergency fund should have enough money in it to cover living expenses for three to six months. Make regular donations and consider automating transactions to make saving simpler.

Manage Debt Responsibly:

It is important as poor debt management may keep you from being self sufficient. Make additional payments when you can to massive debt, like credit card debt, to reduce the cumulative amount of interest you pay over time.

Never be shy to approach your creditors about arranging payments or looking into all other options, like credit counseling, if you’re struggling to pay your debts.

Cultivate good financial habits:

To keep a good credit score and avoid costly fines and penalties, establish excellent financial practices.

Pay your bills on time, keep your credit score utilization rate low, and avoid splurging.

To prevent incurring overdraft penalties, set up automated payments for your credit card and bill balances. You should also pay off all outstanding amounts each month.

Alright, that’s all there is to it. If you want to secure your financial future, then make sure to create and follow a budget, start saving for retirement as soon as possible, build an emergency fund, handle your debts responsibly, and practice good money etiquette.

Let’s hustle for that financial freedom!

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The Maven
Change Becomes You

I write about healthy living, biz savvy, personal growth & finance, and our precious planet Earth. Let's make every word count!