Member-only story
5 Main Reasons You Procrastinate
Which ones do you resonate with?
(1) Your courage is actually inviting you into patience instead of doing the thing.
Sometimes it is more courageous to not do the thing. To understand the invitation is actually for you to go against the inner and outer “supposed tos” and instead tune in to what is actually yours to live today.
I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve procrastinated in sending an email and then something happens the next few days that would have made my email irrelevant. Sometimes the invitation is to just chill and let things unfold.
(2) A part of you is resisting the way you’re holding the conversation around doing the thing.
If there’s a part of you that is making doing the thing extremely high stakes (as in, “everything is going to go to shit and I’m going to be totally broke and abandoned if I don’t do this!” or “If I don’t do this, it’s just going to be proof of what a worthless pile I am”) it’s natural to want to resist doing the thing.
Even as you’re pushing the edges of your comfort zone, it’s an important life skill to learn how to lower the stakes for yourself. Some ways to do that are to focus on…