5 Reasons To Keep Having A Vision For Your Life

Without it, this is what happens.

Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You
3 min readNov 11, 2021


I get it, we all want more out of life, we want to achieve, we want to be remembered for some legacy.

Many people walk about like living ghosts, a fraction of their former youthful self who believed and hoped for all things, and saw it possible. Adulthood, while bringing more responsibility also brought a lost of that vision.

Unfortunately, if you ask many persons what is the vision for their life, they fumble to identify one, you have stopped dreaming and stopped believing and so you walk about just exisiting.

Maybe you feel stuck, you are not doing what you supposed to be doing, you feel it in your gut. The problem is, you don’t even know exactly what you should be doing!!

If you feel like this, it may be that you stopped having a vision for your life. You may have faced many challenges and wondered how you made it this far, the disappointments in life may have beaten that once enthusiastic dream you had for yourself.

I want to encourage you to believe that vision again, dream again.

Here’s why it is so important to keep having a vision in your life.

A vision gives you purpose for existing — when you understand your purpose, it puts meaning to your very existence and the very experiences that you have been through serve as a way to help fulfill the purpose, even when it doesn’t feel that way at the time.

It allows you to push towards a goal — if you have no vision, what goal would it be that you are pushing towards? Even if you do have a goal you may not feel connected to it.

A vision gives way to more focused decisions. When you have a vision, making decisions to take or not take a certain course of action will be linked to that vision. Many times you are pulled in so many directions all with worthwhile purposes, but you can eventually get burn out and find that you are just filled with busyness rather than purposeful goal directed actions.

It helps when feeling stuck — even when moving into your vision, there may be times of stagnation not to discourage you but for the growth process. No one wants to feel stagnant. However, when you understand the importance of at times remaining still, you would no longer view it as being stuck, but a purpose of quiet reflection for continuance on the journey.

You stop sweating the small stuff — a vision directed person, has little time for being annoyed or focused on the distractions that will always come your way. Rather than being caught in the frail of the small stuff, you work through the distractions to a solution and refocus on the big picture.

Without a vision, we just exist.

Begin to believe again, dream again and have a vision for your life.

The only person who will look back at their life with joy or disappointment is you…so decide for you..where you want to go in life and do it!



Ria Vanessa Caliste
Change Becomes You

Engaging on a life long path of self discovery. Counselor, Writer for life. Connect with me at: axiomcounsel@gmail.com or www.axiomcounsel.com