5 Reasons Why People Struggle to Transform Themselves

Avoid these to succeed in life.

Kashish Sukhija
Change Becomes You
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Transformation is a change that you want to bring in yourself. It could be losing weight to get in shape, learning a new skill to upskill yourself, or becoming a better person in general.

Self-transformation is a process that takes time to complete. You need to fight with various things in order to succeed.

I went from 75kgs to 60kgs after making multiple mistakes. It was not an easy journey, as I wasn’t sure if I was going in the right direction. I could have backed out, but I learned about nutrition, fat loss, and health and eventually transformed myself.

You may also face various challenges and decide to give up, which would just result in a waste of time and energy. In order to help you,

Here are 5 things to watch out for.

1. Lack of Consistency

Whenever we start something new, we perform well in the initial few days, but the real challenge appears after some days. Some of us either give up or keep progressing. The ones who persist understand that consistency doesn’t mean perfection. It means doing something even when it’s not your day.

You’ll have days when you don’t feel like going to the gym, watching the course you’ve been trying to complete, or eating salad as part of your diet. It’s okay not to perform these activities on some days. After all, you’re not competing with anyone.

However, you don’t want this behaviour to happen often, so on that day, instead of going to the gym, you go for a walk, and instead of watching the course, you revise what you’ve already learned.

On the days when you feel low, your focus should be on achieving these small wins, since doing something is better than doing nothing. Just showing up on that day will make you feel better when you go to bed that day.

2. Lack of Patience

Our eyes are constantly on the better version of ourselves, and we have a tendency to get there as quickly as we can, but the truth is that results take time to manifest, and anyone who claims that you can lose 5 kg in a week or become a data scientist without learning math is telling you complete BS.

You need to be patient enough to see the results and keep going, even when it seems like nothing is happening for you.

One technique I use to maintain patience is to break down the larger goal into smaller ones and concentrate on achieving those, which takes my attention away from the overall goal and gets me closer to it quickly.

3. Expecting the Perfect Situation Every Time

We expect life to be perfect. No lockdown, no overtime, full availability of stuff, etc. It’s just perception. You can’t expect everything tailored according to your needs. Life is full of challenges and problems.

Things don’t always go according to plan. You must be smart enough to prioritize and accept responsibilities.

No matter what unforeseen new challenges are thrown in your path, you need to turn the situation in your favour if you want to make progress.

4. Blaming it on External Factors/Others

A lot of us try to cope with our failures by attributing them to outside factors (lockdown, recently relocated to a new city) and other people. We try to make this point more concrete by providing a justification for our failure to others and seeking their approval.

But in reality, you are responsible for your own actions. It is you who needs to take charge of your journey. While you will have support from others, it is up to you to take the initiative or you’ll stay where you are.

5. Not Focusing on slow growth

A lot of us set unrealistic goals such as going to the gym 6 days a week, completing the course/book in a week, or earning a million dollars in a year, and then give up when we cannot achieve them.

It happens because you are misled by other people’s success and believe that you are falling behind in life, therefore you rush to get the results.

But you need to aim for slow growth. What does it mean?

Start with working out 3 days a week, or watching the course 30 mins a day. As time passes, you gradually increase it to 4 days a week and 45 mins a day.

What will this do?

  1. It helps you to enjoy the process and reduces the pressure to achieve your goals quickly.
  2. Since you’re focusing on small steps, you’ll always have room for improvement.
  3. Your attention will be much improved.


Here are 5 things you need to remember:

  1. Consistency is not equal to perfection
  2. Stay patient and persistent
  3. Prioritize things and work around that
  4. Take charge of your own journey
  5. Aim for slow growth

Remember that even if you fail, you will learn a lot, but if you are truly committed to your goal, you will persevere and use your failure as a source of learning to achieve it next time.



Kashish Sukhija
Change Becomes You

An aspiring minimalist with a penchant for fitness, productivity, and self-improvement.