55 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety and Depression

The easy way to start using affirmations.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


Photo credit: shutterstock.com

By Sean Clarke

There is a ton of debate on whether positive affirmations actually help with anxiety and depression. For a long time, I thought that they didn’t. After All, if you don’t believe the positive affirmations you’re telling yourself, are you just kidding yourself? If you haven’t been following my blog, you may not be aware that I spent most of my life in an anxious, depressed state. In fact, I still work on it everyday to keep my mind above the water. On Projectenergise.com, I talk a lot about changing your core beliefs, and I think positive affirmations are part of the way you get there. I decided it was time I wrote out positive affirmations for anxiety and depression for my readers.

I believe positive affirmations can work, but they may not work for everyone. That’s because everyone is different, and everyone has different beliefs about themselves and the world around them. However, positive affirmations are something easy to do (provided you do them consistently) and anyone can start to consciously give themselves positive self talk on a daily basis.

Read On Below For My Top 55 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety And Depression



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

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