6 Ways To Prepare Your Kids To Be Profitable Entrepreneurs

Chris Vermeulen
Change Becomes You
Published in
8 min readAug 9, 2021


As you probably know, Generation Z (born in the 2000s) are actively entering the labor market. What makes this generation unique? At the very first opportunity, they start their own business instead of choosing traditional part-time jobs. According to Sparks & Honey, 70% of teens are already in business, such as teaching piano lessons or selling products online. 42% of Gen Z population say they intend to work for themselves.

This trend is confirmed by statistics from other resources: according to the GEM 2020/2021 Global Report, in 2020, the involvement of the 18–24 age group in entrepreneurship (illustrated by TEA, or Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity) has increased in 17 countries.

All these trends prove the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset. So, the earlier you cultivate this in your kids, the better. Entrepreneurial thinking is what URLYstart will teach them to perceive any life difficulties as just challenges that need to be overcome.

Let’s see how you can instill some basic features of entrepreneurship into your child.

1. Help your kid with goal setting

Goal setting is important to keep us motivated and headed in the right direction. So, to succeed in any future endeavor, learning how to set…



Chris Vermeulen
Change Becomes You

A motivational serialpreneur who loves turning valuable ideas into income. I enjoy marketing and helping others create profitable businesses.