7 Surprising Mistakes that Wreck Your Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Not knowing these is a good recipe for frustration.

Alex Miguel Meyer
Change Becomes You


Surprised man after making  mistakes in problem-solving
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Most of you do at least 1 thing well when solving problems.

  • Maybe you’re good at understanding the problem
  • Likely, you have concrete goals and plans
  • Or, you consider the whole system

That’s good. But it may not be enough. That’s why the problems either come back or pop up in a different shape.

I have made my fair share of mistakes in problem-solving. As a consultant, entrepreneur, and manager, every failure has taught me something.

The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple — Albert Einstein

I see the following mistakes a lot. And yet pointing them out surprises most people.

But first, what types of problems am I talking about?

Types of Problems

I cluster problems on 2 dimensions:

  • The complexity of the problem
  • The impact of solving this problem



Alex Miguel Meyer
Change Becomes You

Instructor & Coach I Founder of the Career Accelerator I Assess your career skills here: https://alexander-yrocgkao.scoreapp.com