8 Ways to Get Asked to Dance

This works for meeting new people and trying new things too.

Dance with Me


Photo by Clarisse Meyer on Unsplash

Sitting out

“I’m not getting asked to dance,” she said. And I could see why. She was a skilled dancer and a beautiful woman with the warmest soul. But no one noticed because she sat buried in the corner of the room looking royally annoyed.

I do a lot of partner dancing. The conversation above happened at a tango event. But what I’ve written below applies to life in general. A lot of people aren’t getting invited to “dance” in life either. Perhaps they are struggling to meet people, get noticed or aren’t being engaged in new activities they try.

You know, all that fun stuff that makes life worth living.

Here’s how to fix it.

I use dancing to illustrate each principle, then I talk about how it applies to life.

#1: Stand up

If you REALLY want to dance, don’t sit down. It gives the impression that you are resting and taking a break. Stand up and position yourself at the edge of the dance floor.

This applies to every area of life. Stand up if you want people to see that you are open to being engaged. It also helps you stand out and get noticed among the masses. Which is always the…



Dance with Me

modern feminine | let's elevate & celebrate others