A Message for Anyone Who Just Got Laid Off

The ending you didn’t write might be the new chapter you needed.

Matt Paolelli
Change Becomes You


Image courtesy of the robots at Playground AI

If you just got laid off, don’t believe the lies.

The lies are coming for you when you clean out your desk.

The lies will creep up on you when you get reassuring and disbelieving text messages from suddenly former coworkers and colleagues from previous jobs.

The lies will surround you as you write your “open to work” post on LinkedIn.

The lies could consume you on the first work day that you don’t have somewhere to clock in.

But don’t believe the lies.

The lies will make you think that the loss of this job has something to do with you and your abilities. You might hear lies about your waning creativity or your advancing age or that you stayed in that role too long or that management always had it in for you.

Don’t believe the lies. You’re as good as you’ve ever been — and you’ll actually be better for having had this experience. Opportunities abound, and talent rises to the top.

Let yourself rise by dropping the weight of the lies you want to tell yourself in this moment.



Matt Paolelli
Change Becomes You

husband & father | long-winded writer | cancer survivor | side hustler