Accidents are a Wake-Up Message from the Universe

Because there are no accidents in the universe. Yes, you heard me right.

Sarah Theresa
Change Becomes You


Photo by Vinicius Marques on Unsplash

Everything happens for a reason, right?

Even horrible things?

The part of me that believes this is writing this article to convince that part of me that doesn’t believe this of this truth:

That everything has some grand purpose. Big things. Little things. And everything in between.

That person offering you a free cup of coffee in the subway. That dirty glare from the driver next to you at a stop light. That $100 bill you found on the sidewalk (yep, that happened to me!). That shove from a passerby that awoke you from a daydream ((that one, too!). None of it is random. All of it is a message from the Universe. Signs to remind you of the things you keep forgetting: kindness — not taking things so personally — being more present and aware — simple gratitude — and on it goes.

So many signs.

After a while, it gets tiring, doesn’t it?

I will admit I’ve had a push-pull relationship with synchronicity.



Sarah Theresa
Change Becomes You

I write as a soul having a human experience. I’m a mental health coach, yogini, author, mom, former therapist & traveler.