Are We Still a Society?

Can you tell what is setting us apart?

Antonio E. Holanda
Change Becomes You


Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

One million deaths and counting.

Although the ‘counting part’ is not straight forward, it is more likely there are even more COVID-19 deaths related by now than official numbers reveal, it is undisputed that the Covid-19 pandemic is a major tragedy. America’s numbers are dismal, Europe is facing a second wave, Brazil and India are full-blown never-ending tragedies. And there’s Africa, where the lack of numbers produces more discomfort than security that the worst is gone.

Antonio Holanda picture from Worldmeter report

And yet, in Western countries, people are angry at lockdown controls, and showing little, if any, worries about the virus.

What’s wrong with us? I mean, shouldn’t we be focused on the problem ahead, especially because it is a very straight-forward matter? Don’t go idly partying, always wear masks, try not gathering too many people in the same place. Avoid crowds, keep yourself and others safe. Normal is not feasible, but some degree of normality is achievable, if only we face our lives as a daily duty-routine.

And yet we don’t.



Antonio E. Holanda
Change Becomes You

Brazilian living in France. Academia: Law and Literature.