Are You Shamelessly Self Promoting?

Sure, the more people I reach, the farther the ripples spread and the greater the impact.

The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You


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By Edie Weinstein

Still reeling and reverberating from the love that my article Why I’m Proud To Be A Total B*tch has been getting and then the complete surprise of the HuffPost Live piece that followed a day later. I have to admit, that although I’ve been on both sides of the microphone for more than 25 years, I was a wee bit nervous. Within a moment of being “on air,” I literally felt like I was on air, walking on sunshine, dancing on clouds, having such a good time in conversation with Nancy Redd who is a delightful interviewer.

After that, I was off to the races with sharing the article and video on social media and to my email list. I have been what I call a PR Goddess and Networking Queen and what Malcolm Gladwell refers to in his book, The Tipping Point, a “connector.” Over the years, I have used those skills to spread the word about people and causes I believe in, having no compunction about shouting from the rooftops, what’s so great about these folks and their work. People have come to me to be their buzz agent, because they think I know everyone. When friends have told me that, I have said, “Not yet.” The six degrees of separation concept sometimes narrows down to zero…



The Good Men Project
Change Becomes You

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is Email us