Ayahuasca is an Ally, Not The Answer

Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You
Published in
13 min readJul 15, 2022


Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

There’s an epidemic brewing and no one is talking about it because not many people know. This epidemic is still a murmur, the casual side effects of drinking mainstream ayahuasca, macro dosing on psilocybin, and bottom tonguing LSD. Plant-based hallucinogens have been used in ceremonies around the world for centuries and there are renewed interests. In a society yearning for answers.

This renewed interest in plant medicine has been a breath of fresh air for many. Yet, for the others, it’s been a living nightmare.

I know because people have sought me out to help them regain their sanity. Usually, after a botched ayahuasca trip where the upside-down is now their reality.

The power in plant medicine is beyond what we can understand as the connection to Source, Mother, Pachamama, Earth, dimensions, vibrations, frequencies, ethers extend to the multi-verses. The touch of one ayahuasca vine before the heat connects you to all. That is the power of such a plant, yet we live in a world where capitalizing on the thing that connects you to all, can disconnect you just as fast.

That shiny dollar always sings louder than the vibrations of respect for our Earth, doesn’t it?



Shaman Dao
Change Becomes You

I write about practical spirituality and things that go bump in the night. Find out your ‘why’ with The Quantum Why Meditation https://www.shamandao.com/links